Welcome to the IMFP18 website
The International Meeting on Fundamental Physics (IMFP) is the longest running conference organised by the Spanish High Energy Physics (HEP) community, uninterruptedly held since 1973 in different Spanish locations. Its aim is to cover both theoretical and experimental aspects of collider, neutrino, astroparticle and cosmology experiments.
The XLVI IMFP will take place in the historical city of Salamanca from 9th to 13th of April 2018. It is organised by the CIEMAT-FP María de Maeztu Excellence Unit from CIEMAT (Madrid) and the Research Institute on Fundamental Physics and Mathematics at the University of Salamanca.
Registration will be open from January 20th to March 31st. Registration form and instructions can be found here.
Click here to download the latest version of the IMFP18 bulletin
For further enquiries please contact imfp18@ciemat.es
Scientific Programme
The meeting will cover the following topics:
- Dedicated Cosmology, Neutrino and Flavour Physics Courses
- Collider Physics (Top and b quark physics, Higgs physics, BSM, heavy ions)
- Neutrino Physics
- Dark Matter and Dark Energy
- Astroparticle Physics, cosmic rays
- Gravitational waves
- Future prospects of High Energy Physics
The meeting will include a public lecture, and will be wrapped up by a Spanish Session to discuss the current status and challenges faced by the Spanish Community.
Previous conferences
Local Organising CommitteeManuel Aguilar Benítez de Lugo (CIEMAT, Madrid) Marcos Cerrada Canales (CIEMAT, Madrid) Nicanor Colino Arriero (CIEMAT, Madrid) (Co-Chairperson) Begoña de la Cruz Martínez (CIEMAT, Madrid) (Co-Chairperson) Carlos Delgado Méndez (CIEMAT, Madrid) Inés Gil Botella (CIEMAT, Madrid) Isabel Josa Mutuberría (CIEMAT, Madrid) Kerstin Kunze (USAL, Salamanca) Jesús Puerta Pelayo (CIEMAT, Madrid) Scientific SecretariatPilar Coca Llano (CIEMAT, Madrid) Mercedes Fatás Monforte (UZ, Zaragoza) | Scientific Advisory CommitteeFrancisco del Aguila Giménez (UGR, Granada) Manuel Asorey (UZ, Zaragoza) Martine Bosman (IFAE, Barcelona) Javier Cuevas Maestro (UO, Oviedo) Antonio Dobado González (UCM, Madrid) Domenec Espriu Climent (UB, Barcelona) Victoria Fonseca González (UCM, Madrid) Carmen García García (IFIC, Valencia) Juan José Hernández Rey (IFIC, Valencia) Luis Ibáñez Santiago (UAM-IFT, Madrid) Manel Martínez (IFAE, Barcelona) Mario Martínez Pérez (Manager of the National Particle Physics Program, Chair) Antoni Pich Zardoya (CPAN Coordinator), Teresa Rodrigo Anoro (IFCA, Santander) Carlos Salgado López (USC, Santiago de Compostela) Miguel Ángel Vázquez Mozo (USAL, Salamanca) | |